Our Mission – How We Nurture Your Child’s Learning
Our Preschool’s Mission and Curriculum
Every child is unique, and we believe that success and growth come from encouragement and praise.
Our teachers focus mainly on building every child’s self-esteem and confidence through positive reinforcement and rewards. We nurture their natural strength while also fostering development in areas where the child needs additional attention.
A child sees the world with wonder and awe. We believe in encouraging your child's natural curiosity.
Paul Et Suzanne's Curriculum
Learning French will be explored using Paul et Suzanne's Curriculum. Saratoga French Cultural Preschool acquired the permits from the editors of this curriculum, designed especially for preschool children to develop and facilitate French Language acquisition. Paul et Suzanne will help your child develop social skills and learn how to interact in a group setting.
The Saratoga French Cultural Preschool teachers will use the well-recognized Francophone program, Brindami la Souris.
The Brindami program focuses on developing social skills and self-control in children 2 to 5 years. The children learn through workshops that aim to build social skills and self-control through a playful little mouse named Brindami. The children will practice the skills learned from Brindami throughout their day.
The workshops the children will experience are:
- Talking With Friends
- Asking From and Responding to Friends
- Being Happy
- Being Sad
- Being Angry
- Recognizing Emotions
- Taking Turns
- Listening to Others
- Staying Calm
- Handling Frustration
Parent Involvement
Parent involvement is also an essential component of our program. The Brindami program explains how parents can help. Parents are provided with information about each workshop and how they can help their children at home with Brindami. The combination of learning at school and home reinforcement will give the children the optimal chance of developing the skills that are taught throughout the program.
At SFCP, children learn and develop through a variety of different themes; Some of which include:
Learning happens in various ways, and since each child is unique, we use a variety of techniques to ensure that every child is successful. Circle time, music, and arts and crafts are just a few ways this is accomplished. There will also be times when we incorporate special activities that go along with the selected themes, including field trips and "Montre Et Raconte" ("Show and tell").
We wanted to give another educational option to our current families:
If French is spoken in your family, we think that offering a Kindergarten in French will allow your child to consolidate her language skills in French. Your child will improve her vocabulary and her fluency in French.
If French is not spoken in your family, a French Kindergarten will give your child another year to build on the French skills acquired in the Chenilles and the Papillons classes. Your child has already worked hard to learn French during her one, two, or 3 years at SFCP, and it would be a shame to stop French at that point.
What the Children Learn
As the children develop naturally, they see themselves more about others and think beyond their immediate emotional whims and needs. They learn self-sufficiency as well as collaboration. They are encouraged to speak up for themselves, express their thoughts and questions logically, and follow directions. They learn active listening and the importance of waiting for their turn. They get used to new routines, including daily rituals around basic needs, transitioning between activities, circle time, and table activities. Our six learning domains are:
Through guided and free activities, the children develop fine and gross motor coordination in space and sensory, emotional, cognitive, and relational skills. Vocabulary, syntax, and language rhythm are built through daily verbal interactions in the classroom, in the context of physical activities, and through stories, dance, and song. We recognize all young children as natural artists. Children learn to draw to express, and to represent. Visual, tactile, auditory, and vocal activities increase the sensory capabilities of each child. Also, through artistic endeavors, children enrich their faculties of attention, concentration, and capacity for expression. Gently, and at each child's pace, the children socialize and develop autonomy. It is the prerequisite for critical thinking, which will come forth in later years.